The heart is a deceitful thing !! - Christian Singles Series (Part 2)

The heart is a deceitful thing !! - Christian Singles Series (Part 2)

{Ashley's story continues}

Corbin was seemingly perfect. Everyone around thought Corbin was a great catch but there was one fatal flaw that I was having a hard time overlooking.

He wasn’t saved; not only was he not a Christian he didn’t believe in religion at all.  His exact words were “Religion is fake and so is God.” The first time he expressed these horrid views my jaw nearly hit the floor. He must’ve noticed the shocked expression on my face because he grabbed my hand and said, “I know you’re a Christian and I’m okay with that. If you want to pray and worship the air, sky or even a bird I’m cool with that, but please don’t ask me to join you.” Then he went back to eating his dinner as if the conversation never happened.

I went to bed that night brokenhearted. I knew I should’ve broken up with him that night, but it took me so long to find a guy like Corbin. I was thinking with my heart instead of my head. I reasoned that it wasn’t such a bad thing to date a man that doesn’t believe the same as I do. That was my first mistake. Now here I am standing at the alter about to marry a man who may not know how to be a good husband because he doesn’t follow the principals or teaching of Christ. I rationalized that plenty of women in church were single and how none of their husbands ever attended or participated in any church activities with them. So it was more common than I thought.  

The longer I thought about it the more I realized I was trying to make Corbin into what I wanted him to be instead of accepting him for who he was. Who was I to say my way was the better way. Maybe I shouldn’t try to change a man. I loved this man with all my heart. Was I supposed to follow my heart or my head? Who was to say our marriage would not work out?

Let’s analyze Ashley’s situation

First and foremost, a Christian woman marrying a non-believer is a red flag.

Deuteronomy 7:3-4

You must not intermarry with them, and you must not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, because they will turn your sons away from me to worship other gods. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will swiftly destroy you.

 The 2 words ‘other gods’ in the passage above refers to not just false god’s but the worship of celebrities, music, sports, money anything that has a major influence in your life.  

There are a number of times throughout the bible specifically the old testament where God doesn’t just instruct the Israelites to not intermarry with the natives of the land they occupied, but he gives an explanation of why. God knew what the outcome would be. The primary reason is he doesn’t want you to do the things of the world. As Christians we are not to follow what the world does but follow what Jesus did. Deny ourselves to the one true God. It’s difficult to set ourselves apart but it’s necessary.

Let’s use Samson as an example. He wanted a Philistine woman. His parents questioned his choices and wanted him to marry someone within their tribe. He did what he wanted to do and his mistakes ended up costing him his life.

There is a reason Christians should set themselves apart. Because he already knows what is going to happen. Once a marriage seals two people together as one that essentially means you do things together but if one spouse is leading you to do things that aren’t aligned with the kingdom then you start to go stray and the devil will whisper in your ear that it’s no big deal. that’s what the devil wants you think; that it’s no harm in going against God’s will, just like he tricked Eve.

It's very similar to a drug addict and he starts dating a girl who doesn’t use drugs. They spend time together and a drug addict will always get high. He starts getting high around her. He offer’s her some and she may decline a few times but once she begins to think it’s really no harm in trying one time and as we all know. One time is all it takes. Then you have a couple who are wrapped up in a drug affair.  

It's really hard to think what you’re doing is no harm, but one mistakes can have a lifetime of repercussions. The Israelites walked around in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience.

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