Being Single & a Christian is never easy

Being Single & a Christian is never easy

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ TO THE END. I’m emphasizing this for a reason. I really would like to gather different opinions & perspectives from a diverse group of women. So if you happen to come across this blog please read to the end. This is a true story.

Connor and Noelle’s first date

Connor invited Noelle out to dinner. The evening started out well. The ambiance and conversation was good. They were enjoying one another’s company; then the food arrived. Before they started eating Connor grabbed Noelle’s hand and said, “Allow me to bless the food.”

 She gladly nodded yes.

“We give all praises to Allah for this food.” Connor began but once those words fell out his mouth Noelle couldn’t concentrate on anything else being said.

Noelle was a Christian and giving all praises to Allah didn’t sit well with her. Her palms began to sweat, and she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.  

Connor finished praying and he began to dig into his meal. She sat there for a moment watching him before rethinking this entire date. She grabbed her purse pulled out fifty dollars from her purse, threw it on the table and walked out. Connor called after her. She got in her car and left. He called her cell phone for hours wondering what he did wrong.

Finally, she picked to discuss what was on her mind.

“I’m a Christian and Allah is not the God I serve and although I enjoyed our time together and we had a great rapport, but I can’t see any longevity between you and I.” Noelle informed him.

“Hey, I meant no disrespect. I appreciate everybody’s religion; however, Allah is just another word for God. God has plenty of names so you shouldn’t have gotten so upset. Please believe when I say you and I, we pray and serve the same God we just use different names according to our faith.”

So, my question to my readers is Allah and The Lord almighty one and the same? Please give me your take on this.

My reply is simple and straight to the point. If the God, you serves does not have a son named Jesus Christ then it’s a false God and false religion. I cannot and will not belittle another individual’s religion, but I stand firm in my belief that Jesus is my savior. It’s starts and finishes with Him and if my partner doesn’t think the same then I’m sure it’s not going to work out between us.

My next blog post will center on the importance of having a partner who believes and worships the same God as you. 

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This is going to be a series of blog posts that center around the experiences of single Christian women. I want to open a conversation on what is perceived as right and exactly what the bible says and how each woman interrupts the scripture surrounding dating and interacting with people of different religious beliefs.

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