Are you being bullied into marriage - Christian Single Blog Series (Part 1)

Are you being bullied into marriage - Christian Single Blog Series (Part 1)

Hi! I’m Ashley and this is my story. 

I stared down the aisle at the kind of man I dreamt of marrying since I was a little girl. Corbin is tall, handsome, and financially independent. He is the answer to my prayers.

I stepped into the venue hall which was a huge ball room we transformed into the most beautiful wedding with hundreds of white hydrangeas laid throughout. All our friends and family were gathered around to help us celebrate this special day. My daddy paid for my custom-made Vera Wang wedding gown with more than 15,000 Swarovski rhinestones hand sown along the train. I felt like a princess. I smiled brightly. Corbin couldn’t hide the joy in his eyes as he stared back at me.

I remember the way his eyes looked on our very first date. He took my hand and proposed, insisting that I was destined to bear him children. He proposed several times thereafter. I was flattered but declined his offer each time until finally one day I said “Yes.”

I didn’t accept because of his persistence. It was pressure from my mother who kept reminding me to ‘Lower your standards or you’ll never find a husband.’ Or my cousins who kept chiding me by calling me – picky. Even my co-workers probed into my business by asking, “It’s better to be married then alone?” Everyone wanted to know why I hadn’t accepted Corbin’s proposal. 

Let’s analyze Ashley’s situation

This experience has taught Ashley a valuable lesson. Do not allow the opinions of others to influence important and life changing decisions because of what they think is best for you. People try to shame single people because they are not married. Society puts such a strong emphasis on marriage. Make sure when you make this decision it’s what you want.


God has different plans for every human on this planet and since each plan is different there are different timetables for everyone. Some couples meet and fall in love at 18 others fall in love at 48. It’s not a race. It’s a marathon. Don’t allow people to rush you into settling for less than what you deserve because they feel like your time is running out.

Right person

The spouse God has selected for you will be for you. You won’t have to share him, steal him or chase him. He will come after you. You will know this is the person for you because not only will you both share the same beliefs but the both of you will promote the Good News of Jesus Christ. Anyone who isn’t going to be a good steward is not meant for you.

Single For Life

Unfortunately, everyone Is not destined to be married. And that is okay. Every Christian has a gift and God is using you and your gift to push forward. Perhaps he doesn’t want you to have any distractions. He wants all your attention. Also, it doesn’t mean your singleness is forever. It could just be for a season. Focus on kingdom things and once this season is over God may send you an Adam.  

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