Lessons Learned - Christian Singles Series (Part 4)

Lessons Learned - Christian Singles Series (Part 4)

{Ashley’s story continues….}

My face had turned white as a ghost. The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

Corbin looked at me with a ghastly looked. He grabbed ahold of my hand tightly, but I pulled away. “I’m sorry.” I whispered and hung my head down. I was ashamed and couldn’t look him in the face.  

“What are you doing? What is wrong with you?” He stammered. Embarrassed, he glanced out at all our friends and family and then leaned in towards the officiate, “We just need a moment. Is there some where we could go to talk privately?”

“No.” I spoke up. “I know what I’m saying. Corbin no matter what you think I’m not the women for you. I love God too much to place you before Him.”

He exhaled and ran his hand over his face, “Not this again.”

“I love you, but I love God more.” I was sure of what I was saying. This was the most confident I had been since the start of our relationship.

“You’re making a big mistake”, he hollered.

I started to step down and walk down the aisle.

“Ashley.” He came after me. “If you change your mind later. I won’t take you back.”

I took that as a threat. I glanced around at all our loved ones watching our performance with bated breathe. People were recording on their phones.

“I understand.” I believe he was shocked by my words because the next thing he said shocked me.

“God.” He cried out in anguish, “Why are you doing this to me?”

I stopped in my tracks. I walked back to face him. I pointed my perfectly manicured finger in his face, “Don’t you dare call on the name of God when you said plenty of times that God does not exist.”

The entire church gasped in horror.

I continued, “God will not be mocked. You have shouted time and time again that you are successful because of you. God didn’t help you. He gets no credit. You are who you are because of you.

“That’s all true.” He whispered with uncertainty.

I screamed back in his face, “Then why ask God why this is happening to you now?”

He started to cry. He fell to his knees and cried. I took pity on him but I could not help him. I watched the tears fall from his eyes and I prayed that this was God bringing him to his knees so Corbin would realize there was only one true God.  

I left and I never saw Corbin again. It was God’s perfect timing that allowed me to gain the strength of a lion to face down Corbin. I will forever be grateful for that. I heard Corbin did eventually get married I don’t know his wife, but I remain happily single instead of miserably married.  

Let’s analyze Ashley’s situation

I understand that the greatest desire plenty of women have is to get married. Most girls dream of the day when they get to meet their prince and they arrive in that huge white dress to marry the man of their dreams. Escorted down the aisle, she kisses the man of her dreams and her last name changes. Instantly they are a wife and a brand-new person.

That’s not real life. First you must meet the man God intended for you. Not the man you settled on.

So how do you know that this man is for you.

First he must identify as a Christian.

If he doesn’t, that is a blaring red flag and you need to flee as far and as fast as you can.

I am not an expert in any religion but there are quite a few religions that will allow you to date and marry a person who practices a different religion than you. Christianity is not one of them.

There is a reason why God does not favor interfaith relationships. Because we are to separate ourselves and praise only him. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

The pressure society places on women is disheartening. Millions of women marry unequally yoke partners just so they can say they a husband at home.

It’s not easy to find a spouse that follows the Lord.

When deciding who to date? What factors contribute to that decision?

Do you ask if their saved? Or if their a Christian?

Do you want a man who already has children?

What is your most pressing detail when meeting someone new for the first time.

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