I WILL WORK - Phoebe

I WILL WORK - Phoebe

Paul, spoke only once about Phoebe, but the way he praised her work ethic was admirable and he wanted to make sure everyone understood the respect she deserved. Phoebe did a phenomenal job spreading the gospel. That’s why she was promoted to the position she was in.

This is the type of work ethic Christians should want to duplicate. Whatever our hands touch we must do our best. Not just a good job but a great job. This doesn’t just apply to when we’re doing “God’s Work” or “Ministry Work”. This is the behavior we must demonstrate when we go to work and work alongside the secular world. We want them to question us as to “Why you work so hard?”

Be that shining star at work.

Lastly, don’t slack off when you think no one’s watching. God sees everything. So it doesn’t matter if the boss is on vacation. You must still show up on time and don’t take any extra-long lunch breaks.


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