I will keep one eye open - Biblical Affirmations

I will keep one eye open - Biblical Affirmations

Can we all agree on something? Samson was a fool. A man who has enemies out to get him moves with a certain kind of caution. He is always looking over his shoulder to make sure his enemies are not around, but Samson acted recklessly. This was all Samson’s fault. Nowhere in scripture does it say he prayed to God or offered sacrifices or had an intimate relationship with the Father. It appears he took his position as a judge for granted, but I digress. Samson, fell right into the hands of the enemy by the one person whom he thought was closest to him. He fell in love with a woman and never once did he become suspicious of her true intentions. Perhaps, had he courted a woman among his people instead of going after foreign women this could’ve been avoided.

Delilah was beauty and sneaky. There isn’t much written about her in scripture, but her intentions were obvious when she was paid more than 1,100 pieces of silver for turning Samson over to them. By working with the Philistines, her betrayal resulted in the death of thousands of people.

Perhaps you have your own business or a co-worker or a boss who has it out for you. Stand strong. The wicked will not prosper. Keep one eye open at all times.

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