I have assurance - Mary Magdalene - Biblical Affirmations

I have assurance - Mary Magdalene - Biblical Affirmations

I’m sure we all have had encounters with strangers and they turn out to be an angel in disguise.

Something similar happened to Mary Magdalene.

John 20:14 Mary Magdalene spoke to Jesus after His resurrection, but she did not recognize Him. She assumed He was the gardener. Imagine that. A man whose feet she sat at and listened to him teach she did not know.

I can’t criticize her because how many Christians would be able to recognize Jesus if He returned today. As Christians we should be able to recognize God’s hand in everything we do because the bible is His instructions to tell us how to live according to His will. If you read your bible and study the Word (which I’m sure everybody does); God has left plenty of wisdom passages to help us point Him out in our everyday lives.

The Lord dwells in all of us and he is consistently trying to teach and show us how to be more like Christ with the experiences we encounter. Even a displaced mute person has God inside of them trying to teach us a lesson. The reason why we don’t always see Christ is because of the distractions around us. Social media, TV, and just being busy with life we tend to walk past the most minute details in life.  

I’m not saying that everyone we encounter has good intentions but if you pray the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart.

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