I believe in the impossible  Affirmations

I believe in the impossible Affirmations

Do you believe that all things are possible? Imagine being ninety years old the Lord predicts you being a mom and giving birth to a child. I think anyone would roll over in laughter at that absurd statement.

But one year later, just like God promised Sarah gave birth to a boy. An heir for Abraham.

If God says it then be prepared because it will come to fruition. I’m sure the joy she felt was indescribable as she stared at the child God foretold of. He spoke to her womb, and she became fruitful. This was the greatest miracle she had ever seen; even with her unbelief God still blessed her. There was nothing she could do to stop this miracle because God had already set it in motion and she was oblivious she was part of a plan.

The same is true for you. There are miracles already set in motion that are meant only for you. All you need to do is believe. There is no one on this earth more powerful than God so when He makes you a promise you can count on Him keeping His promise. God keeps all His promises. It may not happen immediately but you can best believe that promise will come to fruition and when it does make sure you give praise back to God for making it happen.

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