I am a mom first - Affirmations

I am a mom first - Affirmations

If your child is in trouble it is your duty as a mother to kneel before the King of Kings and ask the Lord to intercede on your child’s behalf.  Children are innocent but they don’t always escape the ramifications of the horrible things that go in this world. Most of the times they are just victims. So we ask God for a protective covering over all children. This covering will allow our children to walk into blessings, He will touch and heal their mind, body and souls.

Bathsheba is most famously known as the married woman King David slept with. They conceived a child together and David made sure her husband perished on the battlefield while fighting for the King. However, that is not where her story ends. She should also be credited with being the woman who spoke up concerning her son’s birth right. Solomon’s right to the throne had been stolen by his brother and Bathsheba went straight to the king to get back what was rightfully her son’s. She did not tell her son. She handled the problem herself.

That’s what we as women are built to do. We have a God that can do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever ask or think. There should be no hesitation in getting up asking God whatever it is we need. He tells us to pray without ceasing He wants us to share our thoughts and petitions with him. Once you pray God will send angels to step alongside your children and protect them.

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