I will maintain my Christian values and work ethics at the workplace - Affirmations

I will maintain my Christian values and work ethics at the workplace - Affirmations

Shiphrah & Puah, midwives, were ordered to kill all Hebrew baby boys at birth. That was an order from the King of Egypt. Everyone knew it was a death sentence to disobey the most powerful man in Egypt. He could and would have you beheaded by noon if you didn’t do as he wished.

 Now, Shiphrah and Puah made their living birthing babies. Imagine how difficult a task this was with no hospitals or modern-day medicine to delivery healthy babies and keep mothers alive during child birth. Then they were confronted with the daunting task of having to kill babies at birth. In their heart’s they feared God more then they feared the king. The king could take their life, but God would take their soul.

It’s difficult to live in a world where profits trumps everything else. It doesn’t matter who gets hurt or if lies are told. Businesses/Employers often sweep dishonest acts under the rug. Being a Christian is hard when you're placed in these types of difficult situations. Do you do the dishonest task your boss wants and risk losing your job and the ability to care for your children or do you maintain your morals and stick strictly to your Christian beliefs.

This is a very hard decision to make one that should be made only after lots of prayer and supplication with God. Whatever decision you make stand firm for Jesus. Be encouraged to know that He is your provider not your job. It may be scary, and it most certainly won’t be popular but God always rewards faithfulness.  

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