I will focus - Affirmations

I will focus - Affirmations

One of my favorite sayings is “I need to stay in my own lane.” Let me translate that for you. I need to keep my focus and my attention on what God has prepared for me and not worry about what other people are doing. “Ya feel me!” (great quote by the infamous TI.)

Luke 1:24 states that Elizabeth secluded herself for five months while pregnant with John. Why did she do that? I cannot give you a definite answer but I believe perhaps she wanted to focus on her baby and not give negative energy the ability to distract her from what God has done.   

Perhaps you’re not pregnant with a child but something has been conceived inside of you. A new business, a new job, or perhaps you are expecting a new edition to your family. This is a great time in life, and you should be excited about what the future holds but keep in mind that you must build a solid foundation for your business/baby to grow. It takes time, resilience, devotion and focus.

Like Elizabeth, there was no need for her pregnancy to be announced to the world. As a mother I’m sure it was beneficial for her to remove herself from anything that could distract her from what was important at the time and that was the Lord and her baby. The joy she must’ve felt seeing her belly grow and feel flutters of life from inside of her. Just like with a new business you are nurturing it; trying to get it to grow.

Unfortunately, sometimes you must make sacrifices in order to achieve the promises God has planned for your life.  The task of removing certain individuals from your life will allow you to hear God’s still voice more clearly. That move may seem a bit callous and cold but in the long run you’ll understand why you needed to put distance between you and anyone who isn’t going to be there for you. Take a step back from friends and family who aren’t one hundred percent supportive of your dreams.

Lastly, I believe this is the biggest distraction we face in this digital age and that is the cell phone. Most people can’t live without their cell phone. Our entire lives are connected to our cell phones. The average cell phone user has 46 notifications sent to their phone every day. That’s 46 distractions throughout the day. How can you focus on anything whey you are constantly looking at your phone.

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