4 - “I Will Go” Affirmations that reinforce your belief of God’s will for your life

4 - “I Will Go” Affirmations that reinforce your belief of God’s will for your life

“I will go.” Rebekah was ready to go to a land she did not know; with a man she did not know to become the wife of a man she did not know.

Imagine that; but because she felt God tugging at her heart that this marriage was ordained by God she got up and left everything she had ever known; without hesitation to become Isaac’s wife.

What would you do if God said to you ‘I have a husband I prepared specifically for you waiting for you in another state 5 hours away. Would you pack up your entire life? Travel miles away and marry a man you had never met before all because God told you to. Would you have that much faith in God?

What happens if you arrive and your husband doesn’t look the way you thought he should?

What happens if he doesn’t dress the way you thought he should?

What would you do if he was another race, color or ethnicity?

What would you do if he was broke, struggling but had lots of potential?

Are you still going to be that obedient child of God who will do whatever God wants you to do?

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