The GOD WHO SEES ME Affirmations

The GOD WHO SEES ME Affirmations

Has anyone ever wanted to run away from life. Everything you try goes awry. You have very little friends and people talk about you incessantly.  

I’m here to remind you that God sees you. After mistreatment from her mistress Sarah, Hagar fled. (Genesis 16:6) Once she ran away an angel of the Lord approached her. The angel came to tell her that her son would give her descendants to numerous to count.  Overcome with joy Hagar realized God sees her. He didn’t want to watch her suffer. He didn’t want her to run away from her problems, but for her to return. God would be with her.

She heard directly from God and that soothed her fears.

I know it might sound cliché but whatever you’re going through. God sees you. God sees your struggles. He sees those people who mistreat you and talk behind your back. He sees you and He will turn your tears to joy. Trust in him and watch God do his work. But don’t run from your fears; face them head on.

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